Health With Monika


Of all the body’s physiological requirements for good health, water is by far the most vital one as it is responsible for and involved in almost every bodily function and process. Water is our Life Support system and is the ultimate substance that helps us to lead a healthy life. Make sure to drink enough water as per your body/ health status/ medical condition and climatic requirements.

It is of extreme importance to ensure that you are drinking it the right way at the right time.


Here are some Hydration tips:

  1. Always drink water in sitting position; never while standing. Drinking water while standing may disrupt your body’ s fluid balance leading to accumulation of fluids in your joints. Water will forcefully enter the stomach, mixing with the digestive juices leads to bloating, heaviness, colic pain, acid reflux etc. Water gushes down quickly without benefiting other body parts. It gets accumulated in the bladder without getting purified and is harmful for the kidneys.
  2. Avoid drinking too much caffeinated drinks as these drinks cause dehydration, makes your heart beat faster, acts as a diuretic and makes your stomach produce more acid. Your best bet would be add an extra glass of water for every cup of tea/ coffee you drink in a day.
  3. Do not drink water just before eating your meals, along with your meals and immediately after your meals; there has to be a gap of minimum 30 minutes between drinking water and meals. It is debilitating to drink water with the meals as it dilutes the digestive juices, preventing the meal from being properly digested. This also greatly hinders both the appropriation and the assimilation cycles, which in turn negatively affect the all-important elimination cycle while wasting a great deal of energy.
  4. Focus on a light diet with plenty of high-water content foods like watermelon, strawberries, cantaloupe, oranges, cucumber, tomatoes, apples, celery, lettuce, peaches, zucchini, light soups and broth.
  5. Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning; use alarms or notifications to your advantage along with some positive and encouraging verbal messages to remind you to drink water every 1-2 hours.
  6. Focus on your body’s signals; sometimes we overeat because we mistake thirst for hunger.
  7. Try fruit or vegetable infusions in your water (mint, lemon, ginger, cucumber, orange etc.) in your water to make it more appealing and get some variety in taste and flavor.

It is very easy to forget that we are living in a hot climate and drinking water is essential to your well-being. Make conscious efforts to stay hydrated throughout the day.  

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