Health With Monika




PUTTING A SQUEEZE ON CHOLESTEROL A rule of thumb is that for every one percent reduction in your total cholesterol, you experience a two percent reduction in coronary heart disease risk! Lowering your cholesterol might no longer be a question of what you eat, but of when and how often you eat. To add to your surprise, the more often you eat, the lower your cholesterol night be. Researchers worldwide have discovered that total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels can be decreased with the increased number of small, frequent high fiber meals. But that doesn’t mean you start freaking out on more meals and snacks throughout the day. Instead, aim to eat smaller meals more frequently; stretch out your normal daily food intake over four or more meals instead of over two or three meals. Eating smaller, more frequent meals each day might translate to lower cholesterol levels and lower risk of heart disease. The right breakfast menu could lead to lowercholesterol levels    If you are rushed in the morning and all you have time to eat is a bowl of cereal; you might be doing yourself a favor. Not by rushing- but by having a bowl of cereal especially if it contains one of two fibers recently shown to lower cholesterol i.e. soluble fiber like oats, oat bran, pectin( in apples), etc. If you are suffering from high cholesterol, there is an easy way to help lower your LDL levels and reduce your risk of coronary heart disease. Aim every day to eat good amount of soluble fiber which not only reduces your LDL cholesterol but also helps reduce another troublesome substance in your blood i.e. triglyceride levels. For the best possible results have cold cereal with low fat milk which might also lower your cholesterol even more. Oat bran is helpful in lowering cholesterol According to a recent study two to three ounces of oat bran added to the low fat diet everyday can reduce your cholesterol levels by 7-10 percent. The study demonstrates that the type of water soluble fiber i.e. beta-glucan found in oat cereals is effective in lowering cholesterol levels and the cholesterol lowering effect is probably most effective when the oat fiber is combined with a low fat diet. So the simplest way is to consult a professional and follow a safe and balanced low fat, high fiber diet to help lower your cholesterol levels. Prunes: a new way to lower cholesterol Further, research proves that prunes and many other sources of pectin like apples, carrots, grapefruit, cabbage, etc. are very effective in tools in fighting our war against cholesterol. Filter your coffee in the cholesterol fight You can remove all your doubts if you are worried about that morning cup of coffee jacking up your cholesterol levels! Studies show that using a simple filter paper when making your coffee can remove its cholesterol-raising effects. A healthy lifestyle Cutting out some of the fat and cholesterol in your diet can reduce your blood cholesterol by as much as 15 percent which will cut your risk of heart disease by as much as 30 percent. Follow these simple cooking tips to lower the amount of fat and cholesterol in your diet: Take the skin off your poultry before cooking and trim the fat off other stuff. Read labels on cream substitutes; sometimes they are made up of saturated fats. Cut down on the overall fat content –high fat meat products etc. Avoid junk foods; instead eat fruits, pretzels, air popped popcorn etc. Increase the amount of healthy fats in your diet. Make your own sauces and dressings using healthy oils. Cook and bake with oils that are high in unsaturated fats and low in saturated fats. Cut back on the amount of cholesterol in your diet. Eat less organ meat like liver, kidneys etc. Where possible use only egg white and try to avoid the egg yolk.Avoid fast foods and other retail baked goods. Eat more water-soluble fiber like fruits, legumes, and bran. Request for Consultation Contact Form Demo NameEmailPhone NumberGender– Select –MaleFemaleOthersSubmit Form Related Guide PUTTING A SQUEEZE ON CHOLESTEROL HealthWithMonikaNovember 17, 2023 PUTTING A SQUEEZE ON CHOLESTEROL A rule of thumb is… Read More DO NOT OVEREAT HealthWithMonikaNovember 17, 2023 DO NOT OVEREAT “Eating is a natural way to feel… Read More ENHANCE THE FLUID POWER HealthWithMonikaNovember 17, 2023 ENHANCE THE FLUID POWER Of all the body’s physiological requirements… Read More Load More Connect With Us Anytime Contact Form Demo NameEmailPhone NumberGender– Select –MaleFemaleOthersSubmit Form




DO NOT OVEREAT “Eating is a natural way to feel happy, Overeating isn’t “ Overeating can be defined as eating more than the body’s ability to digest at that point in time and eating beyond your capacity and your body’s requirements could be due to taste, habit, stress, or mindless ignorant eating. The brain needs a minimum of 20-25 minutes to realize and send signals that it’s full so blindly gobbling down food in no time will lead to overloading your stomach without even you realize. What Happens When You Overeat Apart from gaining those unwanted layers of fat, it leads to a number of preventable lifestyle diseases: Overeating expands your stomach more than the normal capacity, adjusting to larger meals, and pushing undigested foods upwards making you feel heavy and bloated. Overeating calls for extra energy for digestive purposes and leads to energy wastage. Overeating causes the secretion of excess HCL for the breakdown of food thus disrupting the normal course of digestion. Overeating negatively impacts your sleep patterns thus inducing stress in the long run. Overeating/ poor eating/mindless eating is the leading cause of the increasing prevalence of obesity and the associated comorbidities. We have to learn to eat only to a point where our experience with food is sweet and pleasant and when our body is still fresh, light, and energetic. Experiencing food slowly is the real essence of eating which keeps us in touch with our brain and body and we will automatically stop when we reach a threshold. Master the Lost Art of Moderation Refrain yourself from all the gadgets while eating. Sit straight on the dining table (avoid sitting and eating on the bed, reclining/rocking chair, etc. Sit in a relaxed state of mind; forget all your day’s /life’s fears and worries while you eat and avoid any kind of stress, negative emotion/thought, or argument. Serve yourself only ½ (less than your normal portions) of food; enjoy that first and then refill if required. Take small bites, chew it well, eat slowly, and mindfully, and savour each and every bite. Do not prepare/pick up the next bite until you finish what you already have in your mouth (keeping it ready is an indication that you are eating fast and will lead to overeating. Eat with all your senses; enjoy the different colors and flavors on your plate, be thankful, and eat with a feeling of gratitude. Get up from the dining table well-nourished with a pleasant and sweet feeling of satisfaction and not uncomfortably full/overloaded causing burps, heaviness bloating, etc. Even the finest, most nutritious foods available will spoil in your system if it is overeaten. Do not punish your stomach and trouble your digestive system by overstuffing with food as if there’s no tomorrow. We must learn to respect our body and take the best possible care of it. So let’s avoid overeating. Request for Consultation Contact Form Demo NameEmailPhone NumberGender– Select –MaleFemaleOthersSubmit Form Related Guide PUTTING A SQUEEZE ON CHOLESTEROL HealthWithMonikaNovember 17, 2023 PUTTING A SQUEEZE ON CHOLESTEROL A rule of thumb is… Read More DO NOT OVEREAT HealthWithMonikaNovember 17, 2023 DO NOT OVEREAT “Eating is a natural way to feel… Read More ENHANCE THE FLUID POWER HealthWithMonikaNovember 17, 2023 ENHANCE THE FLUID POWER Of all the body’s physiological requirements… Read More Load More Connect With Us Anytime Contact Form Demo NameEmailPhone NumberGender– Select –MaleFemaleOthersSubmit Form




ENHANCE THE FLUID POWER Of all the body’s physiological requirements for good health, water is by far the most vital one as it is responsible for and involved in almost every bodily function and process. Water is our Life Support system and is the ultimate substance that helps us to lead a healthy life. Make sure to drink enough water as per your body/ health status/ medical condition and climatic requirements. It is of extreme importance to ensure that you are drinking it the right way at the right time. Here are some Hydration tips: Always drink water in sitting position; never while standing. Drinking water while standing may disrupt your body’ s fluid balance leading to accumulation of fluids in your joints. Water will forcefully enter the stomach, mixing with the digestive juices leads to bloating, heaviness, colic pain, acid reflux etc. Water gushes down quickly without benefiting other body parts. It gets accumulated in the bladder without getting purified and is harmful for the kidneys. Avoid drinking too much caffeinated drinks as these drinks cause dehydration, makes your heart beat faster, acts as a diuretic and makes your stomach produce more acid. Your best bet would be add an extra glass of water for every cup of tea/ coffee you drink in a day. Do not drink water just before eating your meals, along with your meals and immediately after your meals; there has to be a gap of minimum 30 minutes between drinking water and meals. It is debilitating to drink water with the meals as it dilutes the digestive juices, preventing the meal from being properly digested. This also greatly hinders both the appropriation and the assimilation cycles, which in turn negatively affect the all-important elimination cycle while wasting a great deal of energy. Focus on a light diet with plenty of high-water content foods like watermelon, strawberries, cantaloupe, oranges, cucumber, tomatoes, apples, celery, lettuce, peaches, zucchini, light soups and broth. Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning; use alarms or notifications to your advantage along with some positive and encouraging verbal messages to remind you to drink water every 1-2 hours. Focus on your body’s signals; sometimes we overeat because we mistake thirst for hunger. Try fruit or vegetable infusions in your water (mint, lemon, ginger, cucumber, orange etc.) in your water to make it more appealing and get some variety in taste and flavor. It is very easy to forget that we are living in a hot climate and drinking water is essential to your well-being. Make conscious efforts to stay hydrated throughout the day.   Request for Consultation Contact Form Demo NameEmailPhone NumberGender– Select –MaleFemaleOthersSubmit Form Related Guide PUTTING A SQUEEZE ON CHOLESTEROL HealthWithMonikaNovember 17, 2023 PUTTING A SQUEEZE ON CHOLESTEROL A rule of thumb is… Read More DO NOT OVEREAT HealthWithMonikaNovember 17, 2023 DO NOT OVEREAT “Eating is a natural way to feel… Read More ENHANCE THE FLUID POWER HealthWithMonikaNovember 17, 2023 ENHANCE THE FLUID POWER Of all the body’s physiological requirements… Read More Load More Connect With Us Anytime Contact Form Demo NameEmailPhone NumberGender– Select –MaleFemaleOthersSubmit Form




ENHANCE THE PROTEIN POWER Protein, the most commonly discussed macronutrient, is an integral part of each and every cell in your body. It is a multitasker and plays a major role in the growth and repair of your bones, muscles, skin, hair, and other tissues. It is a part of every cell in your body and no other nutrient is as versatile as protein in keeping you alive and happy. Without it, your body would lack the enzymes and hormones you need for metabolism, digestion, and other important processes. Your body needs protein for a variety of functions but needs a proper balance and environment for its proper digestion and absorption. To save your protein for its best utilization by the body, you need to focus on a healthy and balanced diet that enhances protein digestion and absorption. SET HEALTHY LIMITS FOR PROTEIN Since protein is so important, you feel that you need too much of it and sometimes you go overboard. Fortunately, you can easily get all the benefits of proteins by combining them well with all other vital nutrients specifically those coming from plant sources. Adding enough protein alone doesn’t help. Here are few simple tips to enhance your protein absorption and utilization: 1. Chew food properly – The healthy process of digestion starts in the mouth even before the food is swallowed. The precious salivary juices start working on the broken food particles in the mouth far before they reach the stomach; the smaller the bites and the more each and every bite is chewed, the better digestion and absorption of protein happens when it is transported down to the stomach. 2. A balanced diet– Focusing just on protein is not enough; you need to eat a balanced diet with all the essential nutrients for better digestion, absorption, and utilization of proteins. 3. Complex carbs- Give special attention to including moderate portions of healthy complex carbs in your meals as it helps the muscles to absorb the amino acids better. 4. Smartly choose acidic foods – Eating a portion of acidic fruit/ food just before an hour of eating a protein meal will support protein digestion and enhance its absorption.  5. Vitamin B 6 – Vitamin B 6-rich foods like nuts, seeds, whole grains, legumes, etc. play a crucial role in healthy digestion, easier absorption, and assimilation of proteins. 6. Improve Gut health- Maintain a healthy gut microbiome and include plenty of prebiotics like oats, onions, bananas, berries, beans, asparagus, and probiotics like fermented foods, yogurt, pickled veggies, etc. Try to eat raw salads 20 minutes before your meals. Avoid eating too much sugar-rich foods, drinks, processed high-salt, and high-calorie foods. A balanced and healthy combination of the right foods in the right amounts eaten with a positive mindset and relaxed environment will certainly enhance your protein absorption and utilization. Request for Consultation Contact Form Demo NameEmailPhone NumberGender– Select –MaleFemaleOthersSubmit Form Related Guide PUTTING A SQUEEZE ON CHOLESTEROL HealthWithMonikaNovember 17, 2023 PUTTING A SQUEEZE ON CHOLESTEROL A rule of thumb is… Read More DO NOT OVEREAT HealthWithMonikaNovember 17, 2023 DO NOT OVEREAT “Eating is a natural way to feel… Read More ENHANCE THE FLUID POWER HealthWithMonikaNovember 17, 2023 ENHANCE THE FLUID POWER Of all the body’s physiological requirements… Read More Load More Connect With Us Anytime Contact Form Demo NameEmailPhone NumberGender– Select –MaleFemaleOthersSubmit Form